Monday, October 26, 2009

Not Me Monday

The weeks just keep getting faster and faster with more to do. What have I not done this past week?

I most certainly did not miss the bus and arrive to lab 15 min. late, and leave an hour early. Consequently, I did not stay at school until nearly 10 pm at school to finish that lab.

I did not nearly miss the bus every single day last week, having to park at a different parking lot in order to catch the bus at the last possible stop before campus.

I did not pay $6 to park for 3 hours one day last week to avoid being late for PE. I would never waste money like that, and I would never be so irresponsible as to allow that to happen.

I did not get 12 hours of sleep over 3 nights put together and still drive to and from school.

I did not fall asleep in class almost every day last week. I love anatomy and could never fall asleep in class.

I did not make gak last week....wait, yes I did! I had a lot of fun doing it too. :P

Let's get some participation on this post...:D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

It was a crazy week this week. Maybe I'll post about it later, but I was listening to this song and it's been going through my head all week. It's really pretty. I have it by Avalon and I just love it. I couldn't really find any good versions of it online, but if you visit your favorite listening site, I'm sure you'll find it. Here are the lyrics. They are just beautiful.

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

There's a place of quiet stillness 'tween the light and shadows reach
Where the hurting and the hopeless seek everlasting peace
Words of men and songs of angels whisper comfort bittersweet
Mending grief and life eternal where joy and sorrow meet

There is a place where hope remains
In crowns of thorns and crimson stains
And tears that fall on Jesus' feet
Where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place the lost surrender and the weary will retreat
Full of grace and mercy tender in times of unbelief
For the wounded there is healing, strength is given to the weak
Broken hearts find love redeeming where joy and sorrow meet

There's a place of thirst and hunger where the roots of faith grow deep
And there is rain and rolling thunder when the road is rough and steep
There is hope in desperation there is victory in defeat
At the cross of restoration where joy and sorrow meet

I especially like that last part. :) Hope you are encouraged by this beautiful song.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Where has this week gone? What a busy week it has been.

It was not me who spend time on FB rather than studying for her 5 tests this week, and two tests last week.

It was also not me who had a few "out of body experiences" and wrote about it for all to see. I would not admit to being crazy, never.

It was not me who fell asleep on the bus today, looking not unlike a homeless person.

It was not me who slept past 4 alarms, waking up at the same time I was supposed to be leaving for school. I did not get ready in 8 minutes and walk out the door with extremely poofy hair. (If I did do this, I would have grabbed a pony-tail holder.)

I did not tell the deputy at work that I would take his adorable American boxer and bring it home to my mother without asking her first.

What about you? Anything you didn't do this week?

Hope you have a fabulous week!

Friday, October 16, 2009

You Know You're Tired (or Crazy) When...

You're driving down the road to school, fully awake, paying attention, staying in your lane when suddenly, you think, "What am I doing?" And look around in a slight state of shock for a second, and then you're back to normal.'re walking to your car from the bus, holding your keys, like always, and suddenly you think to yourself, "What am I doing? I can't drive." And you look down at your keys in surprise, then just as quickly, you're back to normal. Except not quite, because you can't believe you just had that thought.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Death and Life

I just got an email telling me one of the professors at my school passed away today. I've had him for multiple classes and he is (I guess it's was now) my adviser. I'm in such shock. He's pretty young, just had a new little baby last summer, has a couple other kids, and a wife. He's always so helpful and nice and always in his office. I saw him over the summer and need to go in and talk to him about graduating this spring and now he's gone. I'm just in utter shock. I know everyone has people in their life that pass away, but I feel like I've had more than my fair share. I was not close to him, but I knew him pretty well and always got help from him. I feel for his family. I know how hard it is to lose a friend, and they have the loss of a father and husband. I think he was some kind of a Christian. He was an awesome guy and I can't believe he's gone.

It's hard to concentrate on studying with something like this. Life is so short, it's so hard to wrap your head around that. Please remember his family in your prayers. I know they can use it.

One life has just been snuffed out. It's a horrible cycle, life and death. I am so thankful for that promise in I Corinthians 15: 51-55:

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yet another "Not me" Monday

Another Monday has come and gone. It was quite the busy week. Not too much happening in the way of the "not me" posts, but here goes:

It was not me who stayed up much later than I wanted to, talking with a friend, and trying to study at the same time. No, I know better than to multi-talk like that. I know studying is far more important, as well as sleep so I don't get sick.

It was not me who pinched my little cousin with a toy shark just because he did it to me.

It was not me who ate some Halloween candy today. I don't really like candy and would never be tempted to eat it, especially since I'm not trying to get cavities.

It was not me who took down someone's license plate number out of curiosity's sake, just to see who they are.

It was not me who totally blanked on the Station Deputy's number, even though I've punched it in tons of times, and nearly hung up on a caller because of my forgetfulness. Nope, not me!

It was not me who was wondering why on Earth everyone kept talking about Christopher Columbus, until I realized it was in fact, Columbus day.

Anything you've not done this past week? Let me know by replying with a comment! :D I know, I know, shameless plug, but I know you're reading!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Exercising the Second Amendment

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

A sticker I got at work the other day. :D

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Not me" Monday

It was not me who got on the wrong bus today, riding it from one end of campus to the other, then getting off and waiting for the next bus.

It was not me who wore a jean skirt to work at the SO today. Nope, I would never do something like that.

It was not me who had to spend about 10 minutes trying to decide whether or not something I remembered happening to me last week was a dream or not. Nope, I never confuse the dreamworld with the real world. :P

It is not me who still has a pile of clothes that never goes away. It does not just "appear" every day after I clean it up.

It is not me who still hasn't cashed her check. I need money and would never keep forgetting.

It is not me who is working two jobs and is volunteering at another place, and is going to school full time and still expects to get enough sleep at night.

What about you? Anything you "haven't" done this week?

**Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a beautiful day!

It was very beautiful today, and I stayed inside for most of it because it was freezing! But the sun was gorgeous, and the sunset was just as pretty. I got a photo of part of it.

Almost a full moon!

I read this article about taking care of your teeth and I thought it was very interesting. It mentioned that dried fruits are bad for your teeth because of the sugar and because they can get stuck in-between your teeth. It makes sense, but I never thought about it. I eat a lot of dried fruit because we buy the mix from Costco, and it constitutes as a major part of my diet each day. For lunch pretty much every day, I have yogurt, dried fruit/nut mix, and string cheese. Guess I'm going to have to cut out the dried fruit. :( Sad, cause I like it because it's easy to grab. But I do love fresh fruit and if it'll help my teeth, I'm up for it. :)

What are your favorites ways to spend a sunny fall* day?
Are you concerned about your teeth? Any drastic things you'd cut out of your diet if you found out they were bad for your teeth?

*Fall is officially here, and I'm not super excited for it, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What a day!

What a full day! School's been in session for a week yesterday, and I already have tons to do. A quiz Monday, more stuff coming up, it's crazy! In A&P lab, we are memorizing all the bones and features of the bones. It's more than you think! For a small taste of what I have to memorize, visit this site.

I've already done this before in BioAnth in the Osteology section, so I wasn't as worried, but it's still a lot to learn. We had to know the Appendicular skeleton by today. So, last night I crammed, and it all came back. Then today in lab, my partner and I crammed together and we got 100%! :) Go us!

My PE class....Was totally awkward the first day, which was Tuesday. Everyone staring at me and of course I have no idea what I'm doing because I've never done serious weigh-lifting before. Today, I made a friend and PE partner, a nice girl. :) My CS lab worked out, and I knew more about the lab today than the lab TA! Went to work at the hospital, learned lots, met a hilarious patient. :) Tried to give plasma, the girl was not experienced enough and messed it up. This is twice now! Two times in a row the girls messed up and I got my $$, but didn't get to give plasma. It's lame. I like the $$ but I don't only do it for that, I want to help out. Oh well...

My SO job called and they approved my rehiring! :) More $$. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That about sums it up. Yesterday things were looking crazy. Today, things are looking much better. I'm soooo ready for bed!


Life is so fleeting. Working at the hospital gives you a taste of that, but usually it's the grave illnesses or serious injuries that you're treating, avoiding death at all costs. I never see the other side, the side where life is no more. OT's** usually help you get home or get further help you need to get back home eventually. The thought of those patients dying before getting home usually isn't an issue. I have seen some pretty ill patients, but I never think of them dying, it's always about getting better. Patients discharge and go on with life, and so do you.

My first real taste of death was with Miriam. I didn't know how life could go on. I never thought death would come that close. Other than her, I haven't been that close to death. I know how it feels to lose someone though. It's like your whole world stops. I had such a hard time thinking that life kept going on, despite the fact that my world had stopped.

At the hospital, life goes on. You see a patient, do your best, and move on. You know some patients are seriously ill, but you don't think of them dying.

Then you see a gray, zipped body bag being wheeled down the hallway. Life just stopped for that person. You watch as the transporter slowly walks away and you want to yell, "Wait! There's a person in there!" But you don't, cause there's not really. The person is gone now. It's just a shell.

Your mind flashes to who it might be. That lady from yesterday? That man from two days ago? We tried so hard with them...Did someone hold their hand? Did someone get to push back their hair from their face as they took that last breath? Did they feel it? Did they know it was their last breath? Did the family know? Did they get to say goodbye one last time?

Their world has stopped now. But's still going on.

A new patient is wheeled down the hall. The chimes go off...a new baby has just been born. One life is just beginning, and one has just ended.

It sounds so nice and logical, but what about life for the family who just lost a loved one? When does life begin again for them?

Whoops...time for the next patient.

**Occupational therapists-I'm shadowing, getting experience for grad school.