Saturday, August 28, 2010

Children Are a Gift From the Lord

This past week I had the honor of nannying for a family from church. I love kids but it has been a while since I've babysat, although I don't really have a problem babysitting because it's only for the evening or one day. This however, was from Monday-Friday. I got to go "home" at nights, which was great. I stayed up at the camp all week and had my own house. It was nice.

The kids? They were precious. I loved them. I think they liked me. It was so sweet getting wrapped in hugs at random times and playing games with them. It amazed me how sweet kids are in the morning. I'm so used to adults being pretty crabby in the morning, I forgot how adorable and happy and sweet they are.

What I learned from this week? I never, ever, ever, want to have kids. At least not for many, many years. I know it's all different when they are your own and you have them one at a time (typically), and no, the kids weren't bad, but I was again made aware of how I am quite content being without children. :) Just the week before, I saw this adorable baby boy in the store and had the thought of stealing him because he was so cute. But, thankfully, the good Lord showed me how I need to wait a while (a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong while) before having my own kids (especially since I'm not married).

But, I did have lots of fun with them. I lost my camera so had to use my cell phone, which is having technical difficulties leading to major poor quality of the pics. However, every post needs some pics, so here you go:

Holding one of her many crabs

Not too sure about the water

Another of about 10 tiny crabs they caught

The 3 little munchkins. :)

Cool rock I saw. You can't quite tell, but the orange rock looks like it has 2 eyes.

Playing dress-up...One of the princesses

Another princess. :P It was his idea!

The other princess was "indecently clad" so I told her I'd not put her pic online, although she's pictured at the very top of this post.

All in all, a good, but very tiring and very enlightening week. :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I'm now an official graduate of WWU! :)

It was a great time, short and sweet. I got a few pics from my parents so I decided to post them.

Click here to see the photo album

I'm sooo happy to be graduated!!!!

A collage of my grad party last night. :) It was really nice. My co-workers decided to put it on for me and hosted it. My family and a couple of friends were able to make it too. I'm overwhelmed at their love and care for me. :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I am not a faithful blogger

Since I'm not a very faithful blogger, it seems all I do is update. Oh well.

Last week was camp and boy was it amazing! The services were better than I could have imagined and the time spend with one another was such a blessing. I had a wonderful week.

This week is the fair and we have a witnessing booth there again. I've gotten the chance to work there for 3 days and it's been such a blessing too. It's been great getting to know the other believers and hear their testimonies and see them at work for the Gospel. Totally amazing. :)

My granny passed away yesterday. :( I miss her a lot. My dad has now lost both his parents. He was also in a car accident last week and is very blessed to be alive. So pray for us. We need it.

I graduate on Saturday!!!!! Very exciting. :) Pray for direction for me though, I need God's leading.

I lost my camera somewhere at camp. I'm still looking for my usb. Pray I find them! I really need them! :(

Well, a boring update, but at least you know what's going on. Hope you all are having warmer weather than we are!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July Update

Well, the time has come. Four years have come and gone. I'm finally graduating from college this August! I can't believe it. No, I still don't have much of an idea what I'm going to do with my life, but I'm excited to be done. A little scared too because I've been in school nearly my entire life. Now I have to get a job or go for more school, in what, I don't really know. Life sure is different from what you expect. Four years ago, I didn't think I'd be here, still not knowing what to do with my life. I thought I would have had it together by now, and would be on the road to being rich and famous. :D Ok, not really, but I did think I'd have my life together by now.

Oh well, I suppose I have a lot left to learn. I keep hearing that I'm still so young, and I know at 22, I am still pretty young, but I don't like to be one of those people who have that mentality that I'm still young and don't have to make any crucial decisions. I want to have my life together and have an idea what I should be doing. It's frustrating not knowing or even having any idea. I could sure use a billboard spelling out what to do. I've been praying and trusting, and making some small steps, but I don't feel sure about anything. Keep praying for me, will ya? Thank you!

In other news....I took a total of 10 pictures and 1 short video in the month of July. This may not seem newsworthy, but about 3-4 years ago, I was taking around a few hundred pictures a month, if not more. I guess that's what happens when your friends get married and move and you're left with a few single friends, all of whom have busy lives and you rarely get together. Part of growing up, I suppose. Funny, I don't feel grown up. :)
Camp is next week! I'm very, very excited for it! I get to be a camper again this year, which I am very thankful for. I'm helping in the kitchen during Junior camp. I am so looking forward to a week of being around believers and being totally blessed by the Word and atmosphere. If you'd like to stream any of the services, the list of the dates and times are on our website. Click here for more information.

I found this pic of myself while looking through my photos. It's from last year, I think. I'm not one to post pics of myself, but I really like the lighting and the editing. I thought this post could use a pic. :)

Have a great rest of the summer!!!!